Thursday, February 23, 2012

The Importance of Praise

When I went to church last Sunday, I didn't have the unconscious thought,
this is what I do on Sundays like I often do. I had forced myself to dress and set out. Not because I would see friends or people I liked though only see on Sundays, not even because I knew I would hear a good sermon or great music. I went for only one reason, to see Jesus; to touch Him and His love for me.

I had spent a week trying to set up new programs on my computer. I have only a little computer knowledge and I have no idea how to get past error messages or roadblocks, so my mood gets darker the longer I try. By Sunday it was so black I just wanted to lock my door, curl up into a ball and lick my wounds! But since I've felt like that before I knew that would only prolong my agony. It's not like I think the only place I can meet God is at church, but it is the easiest place to encounter Him. If I missed that opportunity I knew this next week would only be more miserable.

I didn't pretend when I got there. One of my son-in-laws, Deke, asked when he greeted me, "How are you doin'?"

"Not great," I replied. "I came looking for something from the Lord today."

"Maybe you'll find it in the sermon," he answered. "I'm preaching and I have a great one!"

Isn't it strange that you can tell someone else how to fix their problem but never diagnose yourself? I didn't know what I needed from God; I just knew I needed help. So, I thought yeah, maybe I'll hear something in the sermon that will snap me out of this short-temper.

At my church we have approximately forty-five minutes of singing praises to God before the preaching, offering time or anything else. I love that because it gives me time to connect with God even if I'm not looking for a special touch. The amazing thing was, (and this is the reason I'm even writing about this) with the first line of the first song Jesus seemed to come to me and let me know He understood what I needed and could fill my need.

"Jesus, I felt your rivers when I was desperate to hear something from you," we sang. And I knew I was desperate to hear from Him, I needed His help to get back on track. I was caught up immediately in His power to heal me to let me know I was safe and all would be alright. I had nothing to fear. I was singing with heartfelt sincerity by the time we sang, "If I could write my story You'd be the
 hero." ("Time Stands Still", Frontline,

The very next song was a Kari Jobe song, "The More I Seek You". ( Over and over we sang the chorus, "I want to sit at Your feet, drink from the cup in Your hand, lay back against You and breathe, feel Your heartbeat." That was my prayer in that moment.

Such a simple thing to experience again. Why didn't I remember? When I'm out of sorts, feeling limited, helpless, or angry, praise and worship connects me with Jesus and He floods me with love. The kind that fills me up and makes me strong.

Want to read my book, Available Grace? See my website:


  1. very well put! Praise and worship does seem to put things back in the right perspective! I love you Marianne!

  2. You're right, Dawn! love you, too!
