Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Risk It!

Last week, a friend of Connie's got in touch with me through FB. Connie had 'introduced' us in FB when the book came out but the lady hadn't seen it until last week. Connie had never even mentioned the lady to me so I had no idea what it was all about. However, as we chatted by e-mail it became clear the woman's business was publicizing books and I needed help in getting the word out that mine was on the market.

I had no doubt that I needed her services and expertise, my quandry soon hinged on the question, "Lord, should I spend this money on Patti's services?" That set up a fire storm in my mind. One minute I was sure I should hire her for she was knowledgeable and capable where I was ignorant and untrained. The next minute I was certain that I should not take a financial risk. For days I was caught in the emotional and mental whirlpool of indecision. And it wasn't the first time!

Throughout my life when I was faced with a large financial risk I was beset with the same worries. All the while I pleaded with God to show me His will. If I was sure God was guiding me to give or spend I had no problems, but the moment I was presented with a financial opportunity or need I was stymied until I could get the victory over the fears that assaulted me. Each individual battle had always been won but the lessons I learned never went deeper than my understanding. My heart just didn't seem to learn the lesson and I was getting worn down by the fight.

When I read the ninth and tenth chapters of Joshua, I was surprised to learn that Joshua and the Israelites had been decieved by the Gibeonites 'because they did not consult the Lord.' (verse 9:14). And yet in chapter ten God answered Joshua's prayer for the sun to stand still while the Israelites fought for the Gibeonites. In verse 14 we read, "Never before or since has there been a day like that one, when the Lord answered such a request from a human being." As if that miracle wasn't enough, when Joshua was given the victory over the armies of the five kings God used the event to give the Israelites great favor as 'no one dared to speak a word against Israel.' (verse 10:21)

My greatest fear and the one that seemed to set up the 'fire-storm' in my mind was the fear that if I wasn't obedient to God's leadership and foolishly got myself into debt then God would not help me get out of the mess I had caused. But obviously that is not the God we serve!

I'm experiencing a great new freedom from old hidden fears today. It is surely true as the prophecy declared, when I could tell God exactly what I wanted, He had the power to free me from my fears.

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